Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wash Your Strawberries!

This is for you Doreen!! My wonderful neighbor sparked my already "dirty fruit conscious mind" to full throttle!! While over at her home one day she was washing strawberries. Now, I don't mean rinsing them over water... she was really washing strawberries.. soap and all! She says, "Rabbit's pee on these things!" Now, I don't know about you but..I have always rinsed my fruit before eating it, and I was always very conscious about it, I thought of pesticides and the dirty machines that these strawberries see during packaging, but never rabbit pee!!! Seeing that bowl once she finished I started really washing those strawberries.
I thought of Doreen yesterday while I was washing my strawberries... I decided to take a picture to share with you all. Now you all may enjoy the truth behind washing your strawberries. (Just look at the picture!!) Doreen recommends washing them twice, I do too.
Happy Strawberry washing!!!
Don't forget to disinfect the bowl and sink when you are done. :)
Love you Doreen and all your strawberry washing ways!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Rabbit pee, hmmmmm, I think it's kinda like frog pee! A little never hurt no one ;) And, if you buy organic, I'm sure they only let organic bunnies into the fields ... I am so just kidding! That's gross! Well, not the organic part, if you buy organic they don't use pesticides, so you just gotta worry about bunny pee! This conversation is going into the rabbit hole (HA!!) fast!
