Friday, July 11, 2008

afternoon ride

We discovered a fun afternoon activity that we all (those of us home in the afternoons; me, Sophia, and Troy) can enjoy... the Barbie Jeep!!! Sophia drove the jeep around the neighborhood for at least an hour this afternoon while Troy rode next to her, buckled in of course, I considered putting Sophia's bicycle helmet on him, but thought that might be over kill- it still sounds like a good idea.
We found this Barbie Jeep about 8 months ago in someones driveway with a 'FREE' sign taped to the front. Immediately, I had Tony pull over to put it in the back of the van- you can't beat that deal. There was nothing wrong with this jeep, it came with the charger and everything. I assume the child in that house just got to old for it... works for me! I took down the address and later sent them a thank you card.
Sophia has had a ton of interest in it but wasn't the best driver.. she swerved all over the road and it was hard keeping up with her when Troy was so little. Today though- was a blast!!! They laughed and drove that jeep all over the place. I walked behind following them. It was good exercise, chasing after them, and kept them totally occupied. They didn't want to put it away, but dinner time was coming quick so we had to come in.
Anyway, I just wanted to share our fun afternoon with you. This is an activity we will definitely do again.

Oh, and here is a fun picture of Sophia to make you smile- Wild Child!!!!

She has been doing so great lately. I haven't noticed any absence seizures, nothing behaviorally that seems out of sorts- it's been nice, I have felt my guard drop a bit... feeling comfortable and nervous at the same time. Feeling like she is so strong. My beautiful girl.

God rains down His blessings on us this week. :) Wishing everyone a blessed weekend.


  1. Praise God for no seizures, first and foremost!! I'm glad to hear she's having an easy time right now. With being a toddler and big sis and all, that's pretty hard work. May the lack of, continue.

    I love those pictures - they look like they are having soooo much fun. Garbear has a little yellow Hummer, I think we'll save it for Sophia. Maybe she can take the dog for a ride :)

    Keep the pictures of happy, sweet, little things coming! Thanks for your words of encouragement with Garbear being gone - I appreciate you! And yes, perhaps I'll hop a plane to come see you so we can discuss the matters of the world, mommy to mommy, and drink iced caramel mach's - I would love that!

  2. Oh, these pictures are soooo adorable!! What fun!! Sound like they are staying busy! Praying for the seizures to stay away!!

  3. I want Sophia's hair. Doesn't it just blow you away to look at your beautiful daughter and think for just a second, that is my child. I look at Josie sometimes and can't believe she's mine. Sophia is so beautiful, both your babies are. They sparkle:)
