Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sky Venture

Me flying at Sky Venture
Tony flying at Sky Venture
What a fun day!!!
We left around 2pm for Sky Venture. It was a really neat experience. Something I would love to do again! When we got there we went to a learning room and heard a short explanation of what we would be doing and the correct 'flying posture'. Then we got out flight suits, googles, shoes, helmets, and ear plugs. Then off to the wind tunnel. We both flew twice in 145 mph winds. It was awesome!! When we were done we went to Cheesecake Factory for an early dinner. (yummy!!) Then we were home by 7:30 to put the kids in bed. It was an awesome afternoon. Thanks to Nonnie for watching the kids so we could go .
Hope everyone is having a good Thursday.
Sophia and Troy just woke up from their naps, so I don't have a lot of time to write today. But I wanted to share the pictures with everyone.


  1. Thank you so much for your comment!! Yeah, maybe your sister could call me sometime, that would be really nice. :) And maybe you and I could talk sometime too! You are VERY lucky that you are never shy!
    Also, that Sky Diving looks sooo cool!! Wow!!
    &, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy babysitting Sophi and Troy - They are AWESOME!! We have fun every time and they are the best!! I am so glad that I can be your babysitter!! They are truly awesome kids and a gift from God! I love them!

  2. That looks like so much fun! Glad to hear you two had a great day together. I love the pictures of you guys enjoying eachother and the playtime, so much! It's so important to play together.

    I might have to try the skydiving the way you did, first. I've always wanted to do it. When I was 4 months along with Garrett, I had to have surgery to remove a cyst the size of a cantaloupe off one of my ovaries. I was cut exactly like a c-section, oh yes, pain! My little brother came to see me while I was in captivity, and he had just finished skydiving. Well, Holly, the story he told was so flipping funny that I was crying because it hurt so much to laugh at his ridiculous recap of events.
    Anyway, I'm rambling. Have a fab friday, honey!
