Wednesday, April 8, 2009

waking up...

I have been soooo tired lately. It must be this cold and the fact that Troy is up during the night more than normal. Anyway, I am sitting in the kitchen drinking my coffee. Troy is sitting here at my feet with the portable DVD player watching Elmo's Wild Wild West Show. Sophia is upstairs watching Sid the Science Kid. Funny how the mornings are here when it is just me and the kids. We definatly have our little routine in the morning... Sophia is slow about waking in the morning, rather grumpy, so alone time is her until about 9am. I am pretty worthless until I get a second cup of coffee. And Troy, he is happy to sit in his rocking chair with his blanket and a waffle until us girls are ready to get moving.
I totally forgot that Sophia had ballet last night, so we rushed over so she didn't miss her dance class. Next week is spring break so no dance, that will be nice. ;) Her recital is getting ready to come, the first week in June. She is really excited and was telling me that "some people are making my costume in a kitchen, they are cooking it up in a pan so that it will be ready for me to wear it at my show." She is so funny.
Tony did good at his first day at work. He seemed happy about it. I am proud of him, glad he has a job. Thankful for the blessings.
Well, I'm going to finish this coffee, lots and lots of laundry waiting on me today. Lots of housework that has gone unfinished and even more laundry....

1 comment:

  1. Awww, hey, Holly, I would love to go to Sophia's recital, please let me know when it is :)
