Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday catch-up

Hi Everyone!
It has been a very long week. Troy is still holding on to that stinky cold. He has been up a lot at night and coughing lots. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he changed his asthma and allergy medication. I was hoping he'd give him an antibiotic but I guess he didn't think it was needed. The doctor thinks his allergies are aggravating his asthma but so far the medicine isn't really helping. Well, it is a bit but he still isn't sleeping.. at this point I just want him to sleep! Good Night do I want some sleep!

Sophia has done great on her medication this week. She is a tad bit more emotional but that could just be coincidence. We are really pleased with how she is doing.

Anyhow, I have some pictures too share...
Here are my babies the other day at the farm. Yes, they are naked.. taking a bath in a bucket. Farm children!

This is Troy helping Tony mow the grass yesterday. How cute is he with a pink mower!!??

Tony's brother is coming into town tomorrow so we will be spending the day at Tony's parents house. Tony has two younger brothers and when the three "boys" get together they act like "boys". So funny how grown men can sooo revert back to being boys when they are together. It will be nice to see Tony's brother, we haven't seen him in a while. We will miss his wife and kids though! Just a quick trip, he will be leaving Monday morning.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday!


  1. I LOVE the picture of the bath in the bucket! Precious! Thank you so much for the nice comment on my blog, it made my day! Have a great weekend!

  2. How precious are those bath photos! So cute. Nothing like a little time on the farm! :)
