Friday, April 3, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Funny that I got up this morning and it's raining... I have been saying "when it rains it pours" all week. Not to be a downer but I must say that is exactly how this week has felt. Sunday, was the seizure. Tuesday, was the doctors, test, diagnosis..etc, Wednesday, Tony was told as of Friday he would be laid off (yes, no job)...
Tony then joins the long list of people who lost there jobs in this economy. One good thing, my Tony is a go getter! He called and says, "Honey I've lost my job, but I'm going to an interview on Monday". Praying he gets the job, even if it means a substantial pay cut at least he will have a job.
We have good family, good friends, and a strong support system behind us and I'll tell you I am so grateful for them (you) always, but especially right now. Your thoughts, prayers, emails, phone calls, they don't go unnoticed.
Sophia has started on Lamictal only at night for the next two weeks. She seems to be her normal self so far. I am very grateful for that. In the midst of all this rain we have so much to be grateful for. So much to praise God for...
Thank You Jesus, for life.
Thank You Jesus, for family and friends who are family.
Thank You Jesus, for the trials in life that only bring us closer to you.
You Alone are God. Thank you for your Son, your Grace, your strength.
Thank You for your broad shoulders.

(an hour or so later....)
The rain has stopped. Troy is awake pushing his bin of cars around the kitchen. Tony is outside walking the dog and feeding the bunny rabbits. Sophia is watching Cinderella while she wakes up- not a morning person. I'm sitting here at my computer drinking my coffee, trying to wake up too ;)

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