Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter ReCap...

There is no greater example of faith around me better than Sophia. She is so bright so sure of her faith. No question. I love the way she celebrated yesterday, "Jesus got dead, and today is when we celebrate that he got undead." Isn't that just perfect!?
We went to church, went to my mom's house for brunch, swam in the pool, then came home and rested. We had a nice day. It was a day of celebration!
My brother took all the pictures so once I get them I will post them.
Here is what I have so far...


  1. So glad you had a wonderful day and look at you styling in that dress, girl :) Love you!

  2. Love the pics, you look great! Love the dress! Glad you guys had a great day. Give the kiddos hugs from us!
